The editorial contents of the TradingSmarts site are written and edited by me, Peter R. Bain. I take full responsibility for the content and its accuracy.
It should be noted that I receive compensation as an affiliate marketer through the mention of products, services, and Web sites. My opinions and statements in that regard do NOT in any way affect the tone or the wording of the posts or topics I put in the blog.
I adhere to word-of-mouth marketing standards and abide by honesty and best practices in all matters of identity, opinion and relationship.
Unlike others who promote Internet marketing products and services aggressively, I do not jump on every bandwagon whenever there is a new launch offering. I do not promote every product or service – be it good or bad – just to chase the almighty dollar.
The opinions and views expressed on this site are completely of my own doing.
Regarding product or service mention on this site, I endeavour to always provide my honest and truthful beliefs, experiences, findings, or opinions. On occasion, I will comment on products or services that I have not personally scrutinized or used. However, this only happens when I am aware of the creator’s or originator’s other products in historical perspective and am absolutely convinced that the goods are of the utmost high quality.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I will always tell you if and when I do not have any personal experience with a product or service. And, the opinion I render will be the best I can offer.
Just because I endorse a particular product or service, you should carry out your own due diligence, and satisfy yourself as to the efficacy of any claims, quotes, representations or statistics. Such inquiry should be conducted through the auspices of the manufacturer, party or provider in question.