Stock Trading Strategies: Ultimate 3 Winning Strategies

Picture of two happy kids at a laptop.

Hi friend!  If you’re not excited about your stock trading, you will be by the time you finish reading this blog post, Stock Trading Strategies: Ultimate 3 Winning Strategies.  I have dumbed down everything to the 101 level to remove the fog of trading for you.

What I am about to share with you is all about trading stocks online – stuff I truly know – and it isn’t just one more of those blog posts built from fluff that sucks.

Now that you know how to pick stocks and what the Stock Trading Rules are, it’s time to learn how to start trading stocks three ways that rock.

TradingTip of the Day

Per Legendary Trader Jesse Livermore:

“A hot tip from anybody will not make me more money than my own judgment.”  (Paraphrased)

Of course, he was talking about those ‘hot tips’ you get at cocktail parties or other the fence – best ignored.  If you stick with me during these blog posts, your judgment will be greatly enhanced.  That’s my goal.  Of course, you can always ask me questions at any time here.

In the Wall Street crash of 1929, just about everyone in the markets lost money – but not Jesse.  He was worth $100 million after his short-selling profits. 

On that note, be sure to pay attention to the section below entitled, Put Option ‘Trumps’ Panic.  You could very well follow Jesse’s lead, if the market corrects, and become legendary in your own right.


Trading Tip of the Day
My Favourite Strategy
Getting to Yes
Anatomy of a Trade
Shameless Brag Time
When MACD Becomes Noise
How Long to Hold a Trade
Profit Projections
Where the Money Is
Put Option ‘Trumps’ Panic
The Least Dirty Shirt
Baked in the Cake
Will she or won’t she?
The Cruellest Month
Legendary Active Fund Mgr.
Avoid Billionaires’ Advice
Evaluating Canadian Stocks
Currency Trading Forecasts
TradingSmarts Wins Award#3
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Hot Off the Press
About Us

My Favourite Strategy

A picture of a heart with these words on it – ‘My Favourite Trading Strategy.’

A picture of a chart with data and my favourite strategy spelled out on it – ‘Buy the dips.’

Picture of a traffic light urging caution and no walking and the word ‘Patience’ superimposed on it.

A picture of a pile of gold with my favourite trading strategy superimposed over top of it.

Picture of person holding up sign that shows my fail-safe strategy for implementing the Golden Rule.

A picture of a screen with words on it – “Let’s look at some examples.”

Coming up you will find three stock trading strategies that work, starting off with my all-time favourite strategy.

Okay, what follows is a for-real trade I took – just simply by buying a dip in the uptrend.  I waited for a price weakness swing point to unfold; then, I waited for MACD to turn up from being oversold below the waterline, and punch up through its trigger line.  Clean, easy, and simple.   You can see what I am talking about in the two charts below.

On the first chart, you can see my entry point.  On the second – the next day – you can see that price was already making its move up from my buy point.

The third chart down for the RAI stock shows you that it had been trending up for at least the past four years.  All I was looking to do was to buy a dip in the uptrend.  The first two charts below each represent six months of price action, so that you can get a close-in look at how and where I engineered my trade.

Screen shot 1 of Reynolds American Inc. (RAI on NYSE) showing my entry point on a trade.

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1. Screen shot 2 of Reynolds American Inc. (RAI on NYSE) showing the outcome of my trade.

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Screen shot 3 of Reynolds American Inc. (RAI on NYSE) showing the trend is up for four-plus years.

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This is another for-real trade I took – this time with the KAR stock.  I have doctored up the two six-month charts below, so that you can see the details of my trade (on the first chart) and the outcome (on the second chart).  The third chart below shows you that the stock has been in an uptrend for at least the past four years.

Screen shot 1 of KAR Auction Services Inc. (KAR on NYSE) showing my entry point on a trade.

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Screen shot 2 of KAR Auction Services Inc. (KAR on NYSE) showing the outcome of my trade.

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Screen shot 3 of KAR Auction Services Inc. (KAR – NYSE) showing the trend is up for four-plus years.

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In the four charts below, I show you pretty much the same scenario for two different stocks.  In each case, the stock has been trending up for at least four years, with the exception of the dip in 2015 for both stocks.  In each case, the stock recovered, and that’s what I was looking for.  The main thing is the bias in each case has been to the upside, and that’s what matters the most.   

On the six-month rendition, I show you the price weakness that facilitates the ‘buy the dips in an uptrend’ strategy – again waiting for the weakness to unfold, and then for MACD to turn up from being oversold, punching up through its trigger line to signal the trade.

Easy peasy!

The trick in each case is to exercise extreme patience in looking for such set-ups.  In my case, I am continually looking for stocks that fit this mould.  I develop a list of potential candidates, and I go through it on a regular basis, looking at current price action in the two different timeframes (six months and five years).

At any one point in time, I may find four-to-six stocks that deserve my attention, based on the above metrics.  But, I then wait for MACD to do its thing, before I pull the trigger.

I can’t stress enough that this strategy requires you to patiently wait for such trade set-ups to occur.  The hard part is the research and the waiting game – the easy part hitting enter on the trade.

Screen shot 1 of Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. (TSM on the NYSE) showing a buy point signalled by MACD.

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Screen shot 2 of Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM on the NYSE) showing the trend is up for four-plus years.

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Screen shot 1 of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (MFI on the TSE) showing a buy point signalled by MACD.

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Screen shot 2 of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (MFI on TSE) showing the trend is up for four-plus years.

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Getting to Yes

My favourite trading strategy requires a fair amount of of homework before you get to pull the trigger on any one trade.  You have to doggedly look for stocks that have been trending up for a period of time.  I like at least four years, but two may be enough – the more the merrier.  Your sources can include the business sections of newspapers, TV channels like BNN and CNBC, etc. – and of course TradingSmarts.

Your research should include looking at analyst ratings and company earnings, as I went over in detail in my how to pick stocks post. 

Once you have done all of that grunt work and updated your list of stocks, you are ready to periodically review it to see if any of them are behaving properly – that is cooperating with the rules I have set forth in the My Favourite Strategy section at the beginning of this post.

Then, the easy part is buying the dips in the uptrend, as shown in the examples above.  The hardest part is always patiently waiting for those dips to transpire.  Study the examples above to see what I mean.

Take the KAR stock, for example – as illustrated earlier.  It has been trending up for at least four years.  Then, I spotted a chance to jump on it.  Price swooned, and MACD went way oversold (a ‘dip in the uptrend’).  This was my chance to make some more money – again!

Here was my six-point analysis:
1. The stock was being accumulated, according to the Accum/Dist indicator.
2. The Parabolic SAR started showing green bullish dots.  One is enough.
3. Slow STO (Stochastics) was trending up.
4. The 50 EMA was above the 200 EMA, after the Golden Cross in March.
5. Price was above both EMAs.
6. The EMAs and price were trending up.  As a matter of fact, the 200 EMA (the trend indicator) has been trending up for at least the last four years.

And, bingo!  I bought the stock when MACD punched up through its trigger line, after coming up from being oversold.

That’s the ‘buy the dips in an uptrend’ strategy in a nutshell, as outlined in the My Favourite Strategy section at the beginning of this post.

Anatomy of a Trade

In this actual trade example, and the one that follows it, I depart from the strategy I just presented to show you that there are other ways to make money trading.  You may even have some of your own strategies, which I would love to hear about.  Please share here.

If you are contemplating trading stocks online or even trading stocks for a living, or even if you already are, this will give you an idea of alternative strategies that will broaden your horizon in terms of how to approach trading stocks.

Of course, there are many strategies that you can follow, but the three that I put forward in this blog post (buying the dips and the two that follow) will open your eyes to possibilities.

Screen shot of lady with a magnifying glass & description of my trade on Alimentation Couche-Tard.

Screen shot 1 of Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD/B on TSE) showing my entry point on a trade.

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Screen shot 2 of Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD/B on TSE) showing my exit point on the trade.

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I say sell the news because in this case, as with other similar situations, you don’t know if the news is going to amount to anything.  For example, with this company – Alimentation Couche-Tard – the news was that it was rumoured to be in discussions to possibly purchase a convenience store chain in Texas.  But, it was just news, with no guarantee that the purchase would ever come to fruition.  And, as a matter of fact, apparently there were other suitors for this chain.  So, I sold my position when the news broke, and banked my profit – thank you very much.

Shameless Brag Time

Screen shot of a narrative on my NFI trade with follow-up arrow pointing down to charts that follow.

Screen shot 1 of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI on TSE) showing the trend is up for four-plus years.

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Screen shot 2 of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI on TSE) showing two back-to-back UCPs.

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A picture is worth a thousand words.  Lots of evidence here, in the form of back-to-back UCPs, that the trend is up.  You’ve see it before in my original post on NFI and then the follow-up post.  I also included NFI in the quiz towards the end of my last post.

In the chart above, you can see the UCP pattern (Uptrend Continuation Pattern) unfolding – Leg 2 (now Leg 1), MACD neutralization, and PEC (Price Equilibrium or Consolidation) already in place, with Leg 3 (now Leg 2) in its early stage.  You can also see the Spinning Top candle reversal formation that further facilitated the upward momentum of price.  Read on, if you are confused about how I have numbered the legs.   

You can see where I marked the buy opportunity, when MACD punched up through its trigger line.  This is where I jumped on board, marking the second time I have been involved with this stock.  The first time was documented in my original post on NFI and then the follow-up post.  I made good money on that trade, and expected to do just as well this time around.

I just love the UCP pattern.  I see it occurring all the time, as I cruise through my list of stocks that I follow.  I seldom see it fail.  The beauty of the pattern is, once you get good at recognizing it, you are pretty much led by the hand in terms of knowing where to pull the trigger on a trade.

Just wait for MACD to do its thing – punching up through its trigger line, after it has neutralized back to the waterline, with Leg 1 and the PEC phase already in place.  It’s like poetry in motion.

If you are still unsure how to recognize the UCP pattern, just go to my follow-up post, and you will find lots of examples to study.  Also, have a look at the diagram below.

The UCP pattern is just one of the many stock market successful trading strategies I address in that post and previous ones – and will continue to do so in future blogs.

Below, I have drawn out what a UCP pattern looks like diagrammatically.  As it relates to the chart above for the NFI stock, you can clearly see the evolution of the UCP pattern with the Leg 1, PEC, and Leg 2 phases.

You can also see the UCP pattern that immediately followed the first one, wherein Leg 2 became Leg 1, and Leg 3 became Leg 2.  That’s why I call it, ‘Back-to-Back UCP Patterns.’ 

In the next stock chart below for NFI (following the diagram), you can see the entry point for my trade, and then in the chart after that you can see the eventual outcome of price action – where price jumped US$3.10.  Who could have guessed?  And finally, the last chart down for NFI shows you price moving sideways after it settled down.

In the first chart above for NFI, where I show you the ‘Back-to-Back UCPs,’ I guess you could also see this as, yet again, examples of ‘Buying the Dips in an Uptrend,’ as explained in the My Favourite Strategy section.

Have a look at the MACD buy points, where MACD had neutralized back to the waterline, or thereabouts, reflecting price weakness (‘dips in the uptrend’).

A screen shot of a diagram showing an Uptrend Continuation Pattern (UCP) with all three phases.

Screen shot 3 of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI on TSE) showing where I bought the stock.

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Screen shot 4 of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI on TSE) showing outcome of trade(in and out points).

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Screen shot 5 of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI on TSE) showing price settling down after my trade.

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I call this blog post, Stock Trading Strategies: Ultimate 3 Winning Strategies, because trading can be this easy – no mystery, no surprises – just successful outcomes.

If you came here looking for information on trading stocks for beginners, or even if you are a seasoned trader, these three strategies will ignite your trading results.

When MACD Becomes Noise

Now that we have looked at three stock trading strategy examples, let’s turn our attention to the behaviour of MACD in an up-trending situation.

Please study the chart below for the WCN stock, as you read my narrative that follows.

If you’re a long-term investor, you’re interested in the overall trend, as defined by the 50 and 200 EMAs (the blue and red lines) – more so than the gyrations of MACD.  As long as those exponential moving averages continue to trend up following the Golden Cross, and price follows suit, that’s all you need to know to keep you in a trade.

In a survey of traders years ago, out of the 99 indicators available to traders, the 200 EMA was voted number one.  The 200 EMA is the trend indicator.  The 50 EMA provides a shorter-term indication of trend, and can fluctuate to reflect price movements.  It should only give you cause for concern when it deviates from its path significantly.  Then, other indicators should be brought into play to get a reading on what is going on.

A screen shot of Waste Connections Inc. (WCN on NYSE) showing MACD noise following a Golden Cross.

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How Long to Hold a Trade

If you’re a short-term trader, then you’re more interested in what MACD has to say.  In the opening discussion on buying the dips in an uptrend – in the My Favourite Strategy section, each example is precipitated by MACD punching up through its trigger line to trigger the trade. 

It then becomes a matter of how long to hold the trade.  The simple answer is to hold it as long as MACD remains above its trigger line.  You would then collapse the trade when MACD punches down through its trigger line.

There are always exceptions to every rule, and there are to this one.  When I presented the trades I took on ATD/B.TO and NFI.TO earlier, I gave reasons for the exits I took – with good reason.  There is nothing wrong with money in the bank.

The other thing to be said is, even as MACD eventually punches down through its trigger line, signalling a possible sell to collapse a trade, if the 50 EMA is still trending up, you may wish to hold the trade a while longer.

Profit Projections

Profit projections come in many forms – based on 1-2-3 tops and bottoms, head and shoulders patterns, trendline analysis, etc. – all of which will be discussed in future posts.  In the meantime, the easiest way to know how much you’re going to make from any one trade is to pay attention to the behaviour of the 50 EMA and MACD, as mentioned above.

Where the Money Is

According to Howard Silverblatt, senior index analyst with S&P Dow Jones Indices (The Globe and Mail, August 11/16), health care is projected to be the top performing S&P 500 sector over the next year.  Utilities, on the other hand, are projected to gain the least.  Here are the placements in priority sequence for the various categories of securities:

Health Care
Consumer discretionary
Information technology
Consumer staples
Telecom services

Put Option ‘Trumps’ Panic

Buying insurance is a no-brainer when markets are putting in new highs, and valuation is not appealing. 

Under such circumstances, volatility is usually fairly low, meaning put options are not expensive. 

A put is a contract that affords you the right, but not the obligation, to sell a security at a fixed price.

Should the market fall below the strike price of your option, the price of your option rises, thereby offsetting the loss in your portfolio.

The right time to consider protecting your portfolio with put protection is when the market is high, and the potential risk is on the rise.  This sure beats selling everything in your portfolio, thereby triggering a capital tax event (not in a registered account).  Your only risk is the cost of the option.

Of course, if you sell everything registered or non-registered, and the market keeps going higher, you would end up standing on one foot and kicking your rear with the other.  A cheap option strategy, such as the put protection, would obviate such emotional stress, should the market swoon.

If the market continues its irrational exuberancy, you’re in the money, but out the cost of the option.

Of course, when you are trading individual stocks, you can initiate protection in a number of different ways, including buying puts and VIX calls, or using stops.  More on options strategies in a future post. 

A stop orders that a security be bought or sold in the event its price surpasses a pre-determined level.  This ensures that a particular entry or exit price is achieved as assuredly as possible, thereby limiting the loss, or locking in profit.

After a given stop price has been reached, a stop-limit is executed at a specific price, or better.  Such an order then becomes a limit order to buy or sell at the limit price, or better.

When all is said and done, a mental stop is better than none at all.

While we’re on the subject of different types of orders, a limit order stipulates that a set number of shares is to be bought or sold at a specified price, or better.  Such an order locks in price, but does not guarantee execution.  This type of order can be input with special caveats, such as AON (all or none) and GTC (good ’til cancelled).

The Least Dirty Shirt

If you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering when the market is gong to turn turtle.  History tells us that a bullish market doesn’t turn until we have had three rate hikes.  Well, we have only had one to date.  That leaves us with two more to go, and the Fed is taking its sweet time to turn hawkish, although Janet Yellen is getting there.

With everybody chasing yield in a low-interest rate environment, equities appear to be the ‘least dirty shirt,’ when compared to the fixed income alternatives.

Asset managers have been rotating from U.S. bonds into stocks since the beginning of the third quarter.  And, large-cap U.S. money managers are more leveraged to the performance of the S&P 500 than at any time since 2008.  (Info via Oliver Renick/Bloomberg News, as reported in The Globe and Mail, August 16/16)

According to Sam Stovall, U.S. equity strategist for S&P Global Market Intelligence, we may see a good year eight or nine in this bull market.  Bull markets don’t usually end when most people are cautious.  They typically end when people are ‘all in,’ and have exhausted all of their resources to propel the markets higher.

Of course, the chart below for the S&P 500 Large Cap Index is suggestive of further advances to come.  Where have you seen that UCP pattern before?

A screen shot of the S&P 500 Large Cap Index ($SPX) showing a possible UCP pattern in the works.

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Baked in the Cake

Professional speculators are convinced that U.S. stocks will continue to trend up.

Hedge funds and other significant traders are tracked by The Commodity Futures Trading Commission.  On CBOE Volatility Index futures, these traders have increased their net short positions to 115,000 contracts – the highest since 2013.

Shorting volatility is one way of saying that equity prices will rise, since stocks and VIX move in opposite directions 80 per cent of the time.

(Info via Bloomberg and Joseph Ciolli, as reported in the Financial Post, August 10/16)

Looking at the VIX, as at August 26/16, it has a reading of 15.15, which is relatively low on the scale.  A high reading is indicative of fear that the Fed will raise rates.  Please consult my VIX blog post for more details.  You can have a look at the VIX chart yourself here.  Keep an eye on VIX, as we get closer to the next rate hike decision in September.  Right now, it is not suggesting an increase.

Screen shot of box with clip art & VIX tip showing movement of VIX in relation to gold and markets.

Will she or won’t she?

In the off chance that Janet Yellen surprises us all with a rate hike in September, such a transition would likely favour banks, cyclicals, the U.S. dollar, European equities, and value stocks – but definitely not bonds.

With the U.S. election not far off, I doubt that Yellen would want to upset the apple cart with a rate hike in September.  I’m not even sure the Democratic power brokers would allow her to do so.

Either way, as with the increase towards the end of 2015, the next hike will more than likely cause stock shock, and put most stocks into freefall.  After all, all boats rise or fall with the tide.  But, that would present significant buying opportunities, and the market would probably recover within three months, as it did last time.  Think, ‘buying the dips in the uptrend.’  Where have you heard that one before?

If it looks like we’re headed for a correction, don’t forget my discussion on stops in the Put Option ‘Trumps’ Panic section earlier on.

The Cruellest Month

Historically, September has been the cruellest month for investors in U.S. equities – the only one in which the median return has been negative going back to 1928.  (Info via Bloomberg News, as reported in The Globe and Mail, August 24/16)

That said, September ranks seven out of 12 during an election year.

Legendary Active Fund Mgr.

While an undergraduate at Boston College, Peter Lynch started his investing career out of his dorm room.

While caddying at a local private golf course, he heard about stocks.  He used $1,000 of his savings to buy shares of a transport company called Flying Tiger.  That investment went on to be his first ‘10 bagger,’ meaning that it rose ten-fold.

Mr. Lynch started managing Fidelity Investments’ Magellan fund in the late ‘70s, averaging an annual return of 29.2 per cent.  He consistently more than doubled the S&P 500 market index, and made it the best performing mutual fund in the world.  He ran this behemoth with more than US$14-billion of assets under management – up from just US$18-million when he took it over.  This turned out to be one of the best long-term records of any active fund manager.

Because of his performance record, the financial media consistently describe Mr. Lynch as a ‘legend.’  He was also referred to as ‘legendary’ by Jason Zweig in his Intelligent Investor, the 2003 update of Benjamin Graham’s book.

Picture of rocks along a shoreline with mountains in the background and a message from Peter Lynch.

Avoid Billionaires’ Advice

Unless you are a billionaire, you are best to ignore the advice of billionaires, because they are working at cross purposes to you.

They are more interested in promoting a particular company, cementing their legacy, or making an adversary’s life miserable.  You can bet they are not using their 401 (k) to accomplish these goals.  Think what’s going on right now with Ackman and Cahn over Herbalife.  I wouldn’t touch that stock with a barge pole.

You, on the other hand, are more concerned with saving to buy a house, building a nest egg for retirement, or creating a college fund to pay for your kids’ education.

Bottom line, yes billionaires have more money than you and I do, but they invest differently than we do, because they have different goals and objectives in mind.  Following in their investing footsteps may not be the wisest thing to do.

Evaluating Canadian Stocks

Let’s start off by revisiting my post on picking stocks.  In it, I address how to evaluate a stock beyond the technical considerations – like analyst ratings and company earnings.  Its focus is primarily on U.S. stocks. 

So, what to do about Canadian stocks?  It’s just as easy.  Simply bring up your favourite browser, and type into the search box, ‘nfi-t – stock quote – the globe and mail.’  Substitute your stock symbol for nfi.  Hit enter, and select the search result, ‘NFI-T – Stock Quote – The Globe and Mail,’ in this case.  On the ensuing page, you will see everything you need to know about the company to make an informed decision.

(Please note that NFI stands for New Flyer Industries, T stands for the Toronto Stock Exchange, and The Globe and Mail is a leading newspaper in Canada.)

Or, you can substitute your own stock for NFI (such as uns), in the link below:  

I shared with you my success with the NFI stock earlier in this post and in my earlier posts on that stock – the original post and the follow-up post.

You can also have a look at U.S. stocks by following the same approach.  In the example above, change it up as follows:  ‘cci-n – stock quote – the globe and mail’ – this for Crown Castle International Corp, symbol CCI on the NYSE.  And, presto, you have a snapshot of what’s to know about this particular company – which incidentally is worth buying at the right time.  AT&T (T) would be another good one to follow.  Read My Favourite Strategy at the beginning of this post to refresh your memory.

If you want to look up a stock on the Nasdaq, such as Jet Blue, you would enter jblu-q – stock quote – the globe and mail.

Currency Trading Forecasts

If you’re trading the forex, or would like to, check out my Currency Trading Strategy blog post, and then sign up for a free, no risk, no strings trading account at Tallinex Forex Trading, where you will receive hand-holding support from me and weekly trading forecasts from Tallinex. 

You can even have your account traded for you at Tallinex, or you can enjoy trading your account with up to 1:1000 leverage.  Of course, there are many other benefits of trading at Tallinex.  Please them out, after you have opened your practice account here.  If you have any questions, contact me here.

TradingSmarts Wins Award#3

Shameless brag time… TradingSmarts has been awarded a third prize in three months – this time it’s ‘Leader in Currency Trading – British Columbia’ – presented as part of Wealth & Finance International’s 2016 Wealth & Money Management Awards.  The first two were ‘Stock Market Investment Strategist of the Year – Canada’ and ‘Award for Excellence in Forex Trading (Canada)’ – both also awarded by Wealth and Finance Intl.

In case you are wondering why I am getting awards for both the forex and the stock markets, it’s because I participate in both markets, as well as commodities to a lesser extent.  I will eventually cover options, but right now I have my hands full with currencies and stocks.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Screen shot of a box containing clip art of a laughing face and a joke imbedded in the box.


Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes:

“The greatest accomplishment is to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else.”

“Do what you are afraid to do.”

“Being a friend is the only way to have a friend.”

“Without enthusiasm, nothing great will ever be achieved.”

“The universe conspires to make your decision happen, once you make it.”

“To be great requires that you be misunderstood.”

“Our greatest glory is rising up every time we fail – not in never failing.”

“What you do speaks louder than what you say.”

“Do a kindness soon, for you never know when it will be too late.”


“Never short a dull market.”  Floor Trader

“What’s measured improves.”  Peter Drucker, author and management consultant

“No lie can endure forever.”  Thomas Carlyle

“You should never debate the markets with a guy who is much richer than you.”  (An old Wall Street saw)

“You can accomplish a huge amount with a large timeframe, and be steady about it.”  Jeff Bezos’ philosophy

“Think big… thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy.”  Jeff Bezos

“So much of what you want to do requires boldness, immediacy, ruthless prioritization, and risk.”  (Excerpt from The Everything Store by Brad Stone)

“Figures don’t lie, liars figure.”  Mark Twain

“An entrepreneur never stops learning.”  Daymond John

“Investing in knowledge pays the best interest.”  Benjamin Franklin

“Don’t let emotion cloud your thinking.”  John Reese

“Throughout time, people have basically acted and reacted in the market the same way due to fear, greed, hope, and ignorance.  That explains why the numerical formations and patterns recur consistently.”

— Attributed to Jesse Livermore

 “The most uniformly fascinating game in the world is the game of speculation.  But it is not a game for the get-rich-quick adventurer, the mentally lazy, the stupid, or the person of inferior emotional balance.  They will die poor.”

— Jesse Livermore, How to Trade in Stocks

“A great company is not a great company, if you buy its stock at the wrong price.”  David Baskin

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”  Vincent Van Gogh

“Steady progress towards seemingly impossible goals will win the day.  Setbacks are temporary.  Naysayers are best ignored.”  Brad Stone

“It’s easier to invent the future than to predict it.”  Alan Kay

Hot Off the Press

Screen shot of a box with news about GlobeNewsWire news feed now available at

(When you click on the above link, please give the news feed time to load.)


Screen shot of an image with the word ‘HELP’ imbedded in it.

About Us

See picture of Peter R. Bain founder of TradingSmarts. Alt-Text: A picture of Peter R. Bain, the founder of


Mastering entry and entry points is what stock trading is all about – or any trading for that matter.  You make money based on the homework you put into your preparation and then the waiting game. 

Pulling the trigger on a trade is the easy part.  You do it effortlessly and fearlessly, because you know what you are doing.  No ‘Hail Mary’ passes – just surgical precision. 

The outcome of your trade is pretty much predictable, because you have thought it through carefully, and paid close attention to the fundamentals and technicals.  See my blog post How to Pick Stocks for details.

Don’t forget to use stops, and know where you are going to exit a trade before you get into it.

In closing, I hope this blog post, Stock Trading Strategies: Ultimate 3 Winning Strategies, has lived up to its billing, and that you got a lot out of it.

If you have any comments or questions about how to start trading stocks, or even if you are a seasoned trader, you can always reach me here.  Or, if you would like to arrange one-on-one personal coaching with me, you can contact me at the same link.

I post my stock picks here at TradingSmarts most days.  If you would like me to comment on any stock(s) of interest to you, again you can contact me here.  I would be more than glad to give you my feedback.

If you would like to learn more about me, you can go here.  And, if you would like to check out my previous blog posts, you can do so here:  VIX, After Hours Trading, Trading Volume, Stock Trading Stops, Currency Trading Strategy, my How to Pick Stocks, and of course my last blog post.

If you would like to help me start a forum and be a moderator, I would love to hear from you.  Just drop me a line using the Contact provision at the bottom of my site.

If you would like to be featured in my blog, I would love to share your success story – or even your trading experience.  Please send me a message using my Contact form at the bottom of this page.

I won’t live long enough to know it all, and I won’t live long enough to make all the mistakes myself.  So, hearing your story will be most helpful not only to me, but also for my other beloved readers.

Please share this post.  Sharing is caring.  Thank you!

I look forward to your articles, feedback, ideas, stories, and suggestions for my blog.  Please post these on my blog at the Contact link below.  

HAVE FUN and ENJOY LIFE!  Remember – FAMILY comes first!

Here’s To Your Success and Quality of Life,


Peter R. Bain
PS:  Don’t let them steal your dreams!
PPS:  I will help you achieve your dreams!

About Peter R. Bain

Picture of Peter R. Bain, founder of – the go-to site for all things trading.

Peter R. Bain

I am a speaker, trader, writer, aviator, car nut, Harley enthusiast but, above all else, I am here for you at TradingSmarts, which I founded some 15 years ago.

TradingSmarts is your best friend when it comes to finding anything and everything to do with trading.  Through my blog you will always find guides, news, reviews, tutorials, and much, much more.

TradingSmarts is a ‘NO-BS, No-Holds-Barred, Take-No- Prisoners’ site for traders who want the straight-bill-of-goods on how to make a full-time income trading less than part-time. 

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Peter R. Bain

I am a speaker, trader, writer,
aviator, car nut, Harley enthusiast
but, above all else, I am here for you.

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